À la suite (French)-a military title given to those who were assigned to the army or a particular unit for honor’s sake, and entitled to wear a regimental uniform, but otherwise had no official position
Abitur (German)-high school matriculation exam
Acte de décès (French)—death certificate
Acte de propriété (French)—deed of ownership
Annoncen-Expedition und Reklamebüro (German)—office for placing advertisements
Apatride (French)—stateless
Apparatchik (Russian)—a member of a Communist Party apparat
Archivio Storico (Italian)—historic archive
Archiwum (Polish)—archives
Arrendator (German)—lease-holder
Atta a casa (Italian)—housewife
Bäckermeister (German)—baker
Bankbeamter (German)—bank clerk or bank official
Benestante (Italian)—well-to-do
Besitzer (German)—owner
Besserwisser (German)-know-it-all
Bibliothek (German)—library
Brauerei (German)—brewery
Brauereipachter (German)—tenant brewer
Buchhandlung (German)—bookstore
Chutzpah (Yiddish)—shameless audacity; impudence
Cimitiere (French)—cemetery
Comunale (Italian)—municipal
Comune di (Italian)—municipality of
Coniugi (Italian)—spouses
Dampfmahlmuehle (German)—steam-operated flour mill
Deutschblütig (German)-of German blood
Deutschblütigkeitserklärung (German)-German Blood Certificate
Dicke (German)—fat
Dr. jur. (Doctor juris) (Latin)-Doctor of Jurisprudence
Dr. phil. (Doctor philosophiae) (Latin)-Doctor of Philosophy
Dr. rer. med (Doktor rerum medicarum) (Latin)—Doctor of Medicine
Dr. rer. nat. (Doktor rerum naturalium) (Latin)—Doctor of Natural Sciences
Dr. rer. pol. (Doctor rerum politicarum) (Latin)-Doctor of Political Science
Eisengrosshandlung (German)—firm selling wholesale goods for the manufacture of homes
Erinnerung (German)—remembrance
“Feiger Jude” (German)-a cowardly Jew
Feldwebel (German)—sergeant
Gartenbaubetrieb (German)—horticulture
Gasthofbesitzer (German)—innkeeper
Gastwirt (German)—innkeeper
Geburtstag (German)—birthday
Gefreiter (German)-equivalent of a Private First Class
Geheimer Sanitätsrat (German)-a honorary title for merited doctors in Prussia
Geigenbauer (German)-violin maker
Genehmigung (German)-an official toleration of a Jew’s standing as a Mischling on account of their service and benefit to the Reich
Gerichtsassessor (German)—court assessor
Gerichtsreferent (German)—court speaker
Geschäftsführer (German)—managing director
Geschäftsleitung (German)—management, executive board
Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung (GmbH) (German)-a limited liability company, or LLC
Grundbuch (German)—real estate register
Gymnasium (German)-high school
Handelregister (German)-commercial register
Handelsmann (German)—tradesman
Heilstätten (German)-sanatoriums
Heiratsurkunde (German)—marriage certificate
Hirnpunktion (German)-brain puncture
Hitler-Jugend (German)—Hitler Youth
Hôtel de Ville (French)—city hall
Îlot (French)—barrack
Inh. (=inhaber) (German)—owner
Instrumentenmacher (German)-an instrument maker
Judenrein (German)—designated area “cleansed” of Jews during the Holocaust
Käsefabrik (German)—cheese factory
Kaufmann (German)—merchant
Klizke, klitzke, klitschig, klietschig (German)—doughy
Kolonialwaren (German)—grocery
Kornmeister (German)—grain master
Kreis (German)—a unit of local government in Germany corresponding to a county
Kreishaus (German)—courthouse
Kulturbolschewismus (German)-cultural Bolshevism
Kulturkampf (German)—cultural struggle
Kurrentschrift (German)-an old form of German-language handwriting based on late medieval cursive writing
Landrat (German)—district administrator
Logopäde (German)—speech therapist
Mairie (France)—town hall
Makler (German)—real estate agent
Mischlinge (plural: Mischlinge) (German)-legal term used in Nazi Germany to denote persons deemed to have both “Aryan” and Jewish ancestry
Municipio (Italian)—city hall
Notizkalender (German)—pocket calendar
Oberarzt (German)—senior physician
Oberbürgermeister (German)-Lord Mayor
Odertor (German)— city gate
Oelmühle (German)—oil mill
Partikulier (German)—someone who lived without working
Per sempre (Italian)—forever
Prakt. Arzt [=praktikumer Arzt] (German)—general practitioner
Privatdozent (German)-university lecturer
Rechtsanwalt (German)—lawyer
Regierungspräsident (German)-President of the Government
Registergerichten (German)-Commercial Register Courts
Rentier (German)—well-off or retired person
Schlummermutter (German)—landlady
Schornsteinfegermeister (German)—chimney sweep
Schule für Blumenschmuck (German)—school for floral decorations
Schulzahnarzt (German)—municipal school dentist
Schwere Schwindsucht (German)-heavy consumption
Selbstmord (German)-suicide
Soggiorno degli stranieri (Italian)—stay of foreigners
Speise zimmer (German)—dining room
Sportlehrer (German)—physical education teacher
Sportschriftsteller (German)—sports writer
Staatssekretär (German)—undersecretary
Stahlhalm (German)—steel helmet
Stammbaum (German)-a family tree
Stolpersteine (German)—small, cobblestone-sized memorials commemorating individual victims of Nazism
Strabisme (French)—squint, cross-eye
Sütterlinschrift (German)— a script, created by the Berlin graphic artist Ludwig Sütterlin (1865-1917), which was taught from 1915 to 1941 in German schools
Todesursache (German)-cause of death
Tuberkulose krankenhäuser (German)-tuberculosis hospitals
Unterarzt (German)—junior physician
Unteroffizier (German)—non-commissioned officer
Vedova (Italian)—widow
Volksschule (German)—elementary school
Vorstand (German)—board
Zahnarzt (German)—dentist
Zahnbehandler (German)—dental practitioner
Zahntechniker (German)—non-academic dental technician producing bridges and dentures